Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Oracle Silver Partner

Agilets Pvt Ltd became Partner with Oracle - (Silver Partner in the month of  July - 2012)...

Thursday, 26 July 2012

JQuery Tab in APEX


1)   Goto  Shared Components
2)   Select  template
3)   Create a new template of type "Region" (create one from scratch)
4)   Name: jQuery Tabs
5)   Template Class: Custom 1
6)   Place the below code in the “Definition” section:

<div style="clear:both;"></div>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="#IMAGE_PREFIX#libraries/jquery-ui/1.8/themes/base/jquery.ui.tabs.css" type="text/css" />
<script src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#libraries/jquery-ui/1.8/ui/minified/jquery.ui.tabs.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

7)    Header Template
<ul style="height: auto;">#ENTRIES#</ul>
8)    Header Entry Template
<li><a href="##REGION_STATIC_ID#-tab-#SUB_REGION_ID#">#SUB_REGION_TITLE#</a></li>
9)    Template
10)After this, goto page and create a html region.
10)            Select  Template of html region as jQuery Tabs.
11)              Place the below code in region footer.
<script type="text/javascript">
 apex.jQuery(function() {
12)              Now select the regions that should be transferred into a tab and change the parent region as html region created above.

How to use DVM in ORACLE SOA

Step 1: Login to ESB console. (
Step 2: Click the Maps icon in the console.

Step 3: Click the create button to create new DVM.

Step 4: Select a “Create a new map”.

Step 5:
  • Double click on New DVM suppose if you want to change the name.
  • If we click the add drop down we will get 2 options like
1-      Row: This is to add rows.
2-      Column: This is to add columns.

For example I took “Female” has to be replaced by “F” similarly “Male” has to be replaced by “M”. And click ok to the DVM.

Step 6: Now open the Jdeveloper & create a new ESB project as shown below.
Double click the “File_read_RS” to setup transformation & map as shown below.

Now select “Advanced Function” from component palette & drag and drop “Lookup-DVM” to the center of the transform.

Now make the connections as shown below.

Double click the DVM which we dropped & we will get the pop window as shown below to configure.

Put the cursor at the starting point of dvmname & click “Move Down” button twice.

  • Click the torch icon in dvmname & select the DVM which we created.
  • Click the torch icon in sourceColumnName and select ‘Domain1’.
  • Click the torch icon in targetColumnName and select ‘Domain2’.
  • DefaultvValue field is optional. It is used when the source value is not matched.

Note: Domain names will depends on DVM Creation.

Now deploy and check the output.

APEX – Create Print option for Reports

Go to Shared Components click Navigation Bar Entries and click Create button
Then create print navigation bar entry
Select From Scratch > Navigation to URL > Type name for Entry Label > Select Target as URL, check Printer Friendly and Paste the following script in URL Target :
click next and Click Create

Go back to Shared Components and Click Templates
Select Printer Friendly Template
In the HEADER (Definition region) text area, add the following just before the < /head> closing tag:

< style>
@media print
.screenOnly {display:none;}
< /style>


Add the following to the top of the BODY (Definition region) text area:

< BR/>
< a href="javascript:history.go(-1);" class="screenOnly">
< img src="&IMAGE_PREFIX.prev_arrow.gif" align="absmiddle" hspace="2">
Click here to return to the application
< /a>
< a href="javascript:window.print();" class="screenOnly">
< img src="&IMAGE_PREFIX.print02.gif" align="absmiddle" hspace="2">
Click here to print this page
< /a>
< hr class="screenOnly"/>

Click “Apply Changes”
Run the application (This will be applicable for whole application)

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Oracle APEX: Disabling radio button on the value entered in Text box

1)      How to disable redio button depending on the value entered in text box….
Ajax Code:
  1. <script>  
  3. function enableDisable(){  
  4. var lValue = $v('P170_VALUE');  
  5. var lTest = false;  
  6. if (!isNaN(lValue)){  
  7.     lTest = (lValue > 0 && $v('P170_CATEGORY') == '')?true:false;  
  8. }  
  9.     $x_disableItem('P170_RADIO_GROUP', lTest)  
  10. }  
  11. </script>  

When P170 value field entered with 10000 or any value two redio buttons ie category 1 & category2 are disabled

2)      Tabular Form With Colors,
  1. function select_highlight(){  
  2. var l_form = $x('wwvFlowForm').f01;  
  3. for (var i=0,l=l_form.length;i<l;i++){  
  4. l_form[i].options[0].style.background = 'red';  
  5. l_form[i].options[1].style.background = 'yellow';  
  6. }  
  7. }  
After executic….                                                      Category  LOV,color:

3>Auto update report:
  1. <script type="text/javascript">  
  2. <!--  
  4. function table_object(pId){  
  5.     this.id = pId;  
  6.     this.start_record = 1;      //optional  
  7.     this.num_record = 5;        //optional  
  8.     this.interval = false;  
  9.     this.refresh = function(pTime){  
  10.         if(my_report.interval){clearInterval(my_report.interval)}  
  11.         if(!!pTime){my_report.interval = setInterval(function(){my_report.call_refresh()},pTime * 1000);}  
  12.     }  
  13.     this.call_refresh = function(){$a_report(this.id.substring(1),this.id.start_record,this.num_record);}  
  14. }  
  16. //-->  
  17. </script>  

3)      Progress bar
Code: (in region source)
<script type="text/javascript"> 
    function html_Submit_Progress(pThis){ 
    window.setTimeout('$s("AjaxLoading",$x("AjaxLoading").innerHTML)', 100); 
    function submit_HideAll(pThis){ 
    function submit_ButtonRegion(pThis){ 
(in region footer):
    <style>   #AjaxLoading{padding:5px;font-size:18px;height=25px;width:200px;text-align:center;left:50%;top:50%;position:absolute;border:2px solid #666;background-color:#FFF;} 
          <div id="AjaxLoading" style="display:none;"><br />..Loading..<img src="#APP_IMAGES#pra.gif" id="wait" /></div> 
In button ->edit set:
Action =redirect to URL
Set URL Target=javascript:html_Submit_Progress(this);
More details visit:

Monday, 23 July 2012

Giving Write Permission in Windows Vista


check whether "'c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\" is available

Right click on data folder (where we are storing database)

Select properties menu select security tab

Check write permission for the account available in sql server and click apply OK